Joining Infinite Build is like joining a parade or a desert caravan. We are all in motion, travelling together.
To participate in Infinite Build, you’ll need what we call an Infinite Name.
This will be how you are known – your username across all our services, including our Matrix chat server (if you’d like a, our HedgeDoc Notes server, and this wiki. Getting an Infinite Name is open to everyone. You simply use our API at
. There, you’ll send a POST request with your desired username
, email
address, and an ethereum
address of yours you want to use for future decentralised verification. After that, verify your email and you’ll have access.
The API is still is not ready quite yet. You can still poke at it if you like but, if you’d like to join, email me a or matrix me at
Infinite Build is a community of autodidactic builders, always learning and exploring new horizons. We focus on hacking, deconstructing, and understanding how things work. We create things to put them in the world, to learn how they work with us, and how we work differently with them.
As an invitation to join, we use an API call instead of an application form. It’s a pattern we call an inclusive gate.
We aim to attract developers or those interested in building with web and cryptographic technologies. Learning to make an API call is part of this journey, and we support you in this learning process. You’ll discover others along the way, like being able to deploy a smart contract or create a proof circuit, and more subjective ones like asking interesting questions to help you create whitepaper reading groups or hackathon teams.
Another example of an inclusive gate is our Compendium, where you start learning cryptographic primites with a calculator. (You’re note alone either. You’ll be surprised how many blockchain developers don’t know the fundamentals of the cryptography they use daily, like how to do a symmetric key exchange or calculate a public-private keypair.)
So rather than keep people out with applications, secrecy and exclusivity, we host spaces dedicated to people who have certain skills or interests, and share ways to learn them. This pattern will be repeated over time, throughout the community, used as a way to keep subject-experts learning from each other, and everyone else able to keep leveling themselves up without feeling left out. You can learn more about this ethos in Our Code.
So you’re unfamiliar with making API calls, considder it an invitation to learn so you can join us. Start with this video If you encounter difficulties, join us on our Matrix server for support.
See you soon!